Tuesday, January 19, 2016

the fool on the hill

Gonna just be a quick one, I feel that I need to pen down my thoughts and or explain the constant whining about this and that. I'm so sick of feeling so sentimental about something that was really nothing. I'm going out of my mind with this bullshit. I wish I wasn't so easily bored, I wish I was the kind of person who was easily satisfied. Even more than that, I wish I was a good person. But I'm not, and here we are, never going to see each other again. Can't say that I didn't see this coming. We both know that there were really only two chances to ever see each other again.. and both of them have now come and gone. It's okay, because neither of us really wanted that to happen. Mysteries of life and whatever other bullshit right? Right. This would never have been real. It was foolish of me to believe even in the slightest that I had stumbled into something true. It makes me sad to think about it, because despite that story I tell myself, we used to be pretty close. When I think of all that time we actually spent together.. well. I'm almost impressed because that's just way too much time to put in for whatever superficial shit this turned out to be. RIGHT O. I know I'm just being overly sentimental.. If I had kept a clear head from the start, I would've been smarter about it. I mean, I told myself that I wasn't getting into it.. but please. Even I'm not that heartless, despite what you think. Well. Just gotta live and let it be, I suppose. What is life without a little harmless fun? Right O.

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