Saturday, January 17, 2015

don't hurt my pride like her

Disappointing day. But I'm thankful for your company and comfort. I'm still surprised when you actually turn up at my door when I'm in bed being overdramatic and whiney. It's important to be grateful and appreciate even the simplest of gestures. But yes, disappointing day. I hope I get it the next time, although I'm bummed that there even is a next time. It sucks because I know I can do this, but I panicked in that split moment. Bleagh. But oh well. On a less depressing note, I really appreciate how open-minded you are. And I love that although we spend most of the time doing absolutely nothing and being disgusting and watching tv and not really paying attention to each other, that we can still go out and have a super fun time.. wine and all. At the end of the day, it was truly the best part of Japan for me. I know it's naive and it's only a matter of time blah blah blah, but I can't help but hope that this never ends. Well. Let's not go into that. Another thing I've really appreciated the last couple of weeks are the friendships that I have managed to maintain over the years. I love having real conversations over brunch, none of that group shit with judgemental bitchy girls talking about each other's problems, but real talk about life and about the things around us. I can't think anymore. Bye.

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