Thursday, July 18, 2013

like a sister and a brother

> It's been a while since I've had the time.. for anything, really. In a surprising turn of events, a good bulk of my weekdays are stolen by after school activities, being driven around and rolling around in bed. It functions in a way where it's truly all or nothing. Right now, I'm only being spared time because for some reason I am being ignored. The truth is, this means next to nothing because you are simply that kind of person who "just has it in them" and I am the kind of person that never sheds the paranoia. And vice versa, I'm sure. But then again I'm just too prideful to open my mouth and you're too much of a small child to ever man up. But enough about that. This week has seen many nights sitting on floors and (finally) having real conversations with old friends. The best was possibly the night we spent on the carpet, smoking and regaling tales of our overseas adventures with one of my favourites. Another asian adventure is coming up on the horizon and I am both excited and hesitant. On one hand, #asia. But on the other, well, #commitmentissues. Both me and you, brah. The truth is I already know how this will end.. because this will end. I feel stupid trying to put this into words because it feels like I'm putting effort and or giving a damn. When I really couldn't. Or shouldn't.

So stuck up,
I wish he'd stick it to me

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