Saturday, March 31, 2012

come on cherry, cherry

March was weird. Two holidays, a new school, weird nights and some incredibly sticky situations. Well. School been manageable so far. As usual, I have made no friends but that's my own fault really. Why can't people be cool? LOL. Discipline levels are at an all time low as I spend most days sitting there and wondering why can't people be cool. Hurhur. Anyway, the last week has seen me slip from what I deemed as stability and slip into psycho-girl-with-psycho-girl-issues. But it's okay cos I think I can get away with it because I'm a girl. Hurhur. Even as I type I am smirking to myself. It surprises me how not guilty I feel. If you lie long enough, you start to believe it. I am becoming you and that's just.. nasty. ANYWAY, as usual, that one just came and went. Almost literally. Hawhaw. I have no words other than "i am a psycho girl with psycho girl issues". I almost feel like I'm just trying to make myself feel bad about it because I "should". I am saying that based on past experiences and how society stipulates that I should react. Sadly. Enough about that. Another month means another month I have not gotten rid of this. If I am stuck here forever, it will be my own fault.

I heard the news that you're planning
to shoot me out of a canon

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