Monday, February 13, 2012

you are the unforecasted storm

I am both relieved and sad to finally realize that I am not crazy. A casual flip through my own space saw me clicking with great curiousity and a sense of dread with Snow Patrol's "Signal Fire" playing in the background. "There you are standing right in front of me"... except you're not. I guess you can say I started it, though it did surprise me to see a response. Cos I mean 1) you think everything about you ah 2) its been a long time. Too long almost. Instantly my mind darts the darkest places, you and your dark intentions. I'm too old for this. Okay no, I'm not but.. I should be. Well. Anyway. This week saw the extremely sad leaving of one of my best friends to some far flung land to pursue her life ): I just hope the gaping hole in my social life thats been left behind won't feel too empty. Also, I will be starting school soon (FINALLY) and though it seems daunting, I am mildly excited to have some structure in my life again. Mehh. Need to get my shit together, need to enjoy my life, need to find some stability, need to have some fun. What's new brah.

hold me close
cos I need you to guide me to safety

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