Tuesday, May 4, 2010

That boy is a monster

The break I deserved the most. The week that almost killed me. Well, nothing here is worth dying for. Labels labels labels. It's just easier and if I dare say so, more satisfying. ISH. I am going mad. Everybody knows. Even I know. Nothing to come home to. Nothing but chaos and settling dust. Nothing but restrictions. Nothing but humidity. Nothing but the universe telling us no. Flashback to the side of some fucking road off Eunos and you are flicking your cigarette at me and I am daring you to stay. Everything looks bad on me. I am going crazy, there is so much tension inside me. Source of all misery. But I am suppressing everything perfectly fine. It's not killing me, it's just somewhere away. And I am okay with that. Until I am breathing too deeply in some taxi somewhere but till then, I am fine. Hong Kong was amazing. I took a holiday inside my head, and not the illegal way. And it was good and I was refreshed and I had to make many life changing decisions like which bag to buy and what to eat. And for a weekend, everything was okay. Where my heart belongs, says the wise one. Hurhurhur. It's funny how it represents something completely different now. It used to be where I wallow and now I do that at home. I am fine really. Nothing is killing me, I'm doing that myself.

I've got to breathe,
You can't take that from me.

1 comment:

amelia. said...

I really do understand <3