Friday, October 12, 2007

Keep your eyes on the Prize. Which one?

Apparently I'm currently the only one without much of a life cos I'm just about the only one online this pleasant Friday evening.

Or maybe I'm just the only one without a single shred of self-control.

Well.. you know. Ha. And as you probably already know, yesterday was the last day of school for most of us sec 4s. And out of fear that I would forget this big day a couple months down the road, I did many random and very very memorable stuff, none of which I will type down in fear of FURTHER embarrassment. Yeah. I still can't get over how fucking embarrassed I was. Like... Oh my god. And evidently I'm never gonna live it down. Fuck you all.

On the flip side, I didn't cry(:

And just cos it's too fucking cliche to go into how saddening (ah.. sec 1 days) the whole thing is, I shall save the ramblings and pent up emotions till after the lovely lovely thing called Os. For now, Feast those pretty eyes on the pictures of the last few days in school(: cos I'm only coming back after the exams

Gotta love them(:

Strangely, I'll miss this too.

Cos you're the only one for me, little missy(:

HAHA.. Ethel! I heart you many many(:

EW. haha.. We didn't know Sonia was in the picture. *shakes head

Ew. It's PAU(:

Totally random.

YO GANGSTER! or sometimes staaaaaa(: hahah

Din in all her lovely splendour

ABNIA. I love this picture(:

Their telling me to get out):


Botashbi. I look really gross here.

I am poseur Indian(:

ABILYN! HA. We are like nine thousand times better than CHAW(: You owe me 8 cents!

I am famously anti-jock.

Audrey and ALL her friends

Stupid girl whacked my face and made my lip bleed. Revenge is sweet, in both ways(:

She made me do it!

Pau's "What-the-fuck" face

I beat Sonia up(: Well no, a jock threw something at her face and she collapsed to the floor. I just stepped on her to make it look like I beat her up..SHHH.. Don't tell!

Our last Bio lesson):

I remember when Sam and I used to actually study before these idiots joined us. Ha. We had tons of fun nonetheless(:

Recess. The only time I realise that Dode isn't in school cos I have to put my own plate back. Oh the wonders of an entourage(:

We beat Rae up!

Ew Sonia.. Get a room!

Abnia, Paulabi and Raebis. Why not?

The one on the left, the only one that matters(: And I mean ME. Hehe

Stupid Sonia made me return my hostaged eraser):

We think we're the shit(:

(: How you doin'?


HAHA. There's a first for everything yeah?(:

:D OOOOOHHHHH.. i wonder what THIS is....((((:

Sona pulled a pau and fell off the couch. Din, is just great(: Kinda.

Thanks loves(:

Heh. Guess it's over.

O levels: 6 more days

Somehow everything's gonna fall right into place
If we only had a way to make it all fall faster everyday
If only time flew like a dove
We're gonna make it fly faster than I'm falling in love

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