Saturday, July 18, 2015

I don't like you, I just thought you were cool

Eternally grateful for everything that I have in my life, everything I have seen and experienced and everyone in my life. Hokkaido/Tokyo was nothing short of amazing. Being back in my favourite city in the world again was bittersweet. As much as I fucking love that crazy city life, it definitely wasn't the same without you. Best feeling: watching the light turn green at that Shibuya crossing, and watching that huge mass of people walking towards you with such conviction. LIFE. Let's also talk about Hokkaido though. Summer in Japan is a brilliant myriad of colours and flowers and nature and scenic drives and expressways and getting lost and fresh fruits and singalongs and coastal drives and whiskey distilleries and I could go on forever. Japan will always, always be the best. Anyway, am dreading Monday but truth be told, this weekend isn't as sweet without you around. YUX part two. ANYWAY. My mind has been wandering. I've just been twiddling my toes thinking about how the past is just a story we tell ourselves. I've just been stomping around town weirdly hoping to be seen. I've been thinking, pondering, imagining. Must be the summer time.

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