Sunday, June 21, 2015

remind me to spend some good time with you

All around a good weekend spent with the boy and with my family. That day at Gardens was the first time in a long time I've seen my grandmother and grandfather so happy.. laughing, smiling at the sights and just being out of the house. Definitely warm memories. Sunday night and I'm almost dreading the coming week. Work has been getting harder. I'm learning to be independent, but yeah it's pretty difficult. I'm determined to be less careless and anxious and terrible, but it's fucking demoralizing sometimes. I mean, it's definitely not all bad. Perhaps I'm just coming off a crappy week. But whatever. I must be better. In other news, the last week has been peppered with.. I can't think of a snarky name for it. Honestly, I've just come to the point where I'm like just do whatever you want, I don't care if you just want to win. I know you never have good intentions but I just don't care anymore because I know I can never win with you. Whatever, it doesn't bother me. It. doesn't. bother. me.

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